Monday, June 3, 2013

Dry skin solution!

I have discovered something that works for my dry skin!! After you shower, apply body lotion (Jergen's Ultra Healing) everywhere THEN grab your favorite body oil and layer it on top! I don't know why I didn't think of this before because I layer my face oil on top of my moisturizer. Silly of me really. Anyways- it works! It really does. I did this for three days straight and saw a huge difference in my skin.

I have really dry skin. My legs are scaly and my elbows and knees feel like sand paper. I've used body lotion for months before without seeing much of a difference so I started to use body oils. Oils I have tried include baby oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and the one I am currently using bio oil. I hate baby.Baby oil doesn't absorb/ dry well on me. I end up going to bed (I shower in the evenings before bed) wet and slippery. It's so gross. I have even tried the "gel" form of baby oil because it's suppose to be better than regular baby oil- same conclusion: I hate it. I sorta like coconut oil. It definitely absorbs better than the baby oil but I don't like the smell coconut so ya. I don't like castor oil either. It's too thick! I can't get past it's viscosity and also has a weird smell to it. Bio oil absorbs like the coconut oil but minus the coconut smell so I'm liking it so far. 

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